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Blessed Virgin Mary Parish

Weekly Reflection

Thirty-second Sunday in OT ‘B’

November 10, 2024

1 Kgs 17:10-16
Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10
Heb 9:24-28
Mk 12:38-44

Today's message urges us to dive deep into a full-hearted, selfless commitment in serving God, shaking off pride and prejudice to embrace humility and generosity.

In the First Reading and the Gospel, we encounter two poor widows who gave their all to God, echoing the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made by laying down His life for humanity. In the First Book of Kings, a widow who barely had enough to sustain her and her son, welcomed the prophet Elijah and shared her meager food. For her generosity, she received an unending daily supply of nourishment.

Today's Responsorial Psalm (Ps 146) is a celebration of God's unending kindness towards those in need, such as the widows, highlighting the Divine support for the vulnerable. The Gospel introduces us to a stark contrast: the ostentatious displays of the scribes versus the humble, sacrificial contribution of a poor widow. Jesus praised the widow, emphasizing that her selfless act was truly honorable in God's eyes. Both readings illustrate the widows’ complete trust and generosity toward God.

The Second Reading highlights Jesus as the High Priest of the New Testament, Who gave Himself completely and unconditionally for the remission of our sins—a sacrifice surpassing even those made by the poor widows.

In today's world, we often measure people's worth by their possessions, social status, education, or fame. But Jesus judges differently. He looks at our hearts, our intentions, and the sacrifices we make for others. He values the self-giving spirit rather than material wealth. What God seeks from us is not our possessions, but our lives and hearts dedicated to love and service. The hardest gift to give is ourselves—our love, our time, our compassion—because it demands more than just financial generosity.

Like the poor widow, let us find the courage to share our talents and resources. Let's move beyond small gestures of kindness and embrace a lifestyle of abundant love and selflessness. Let us pour our entire heart, our whole being, into healing and nurturing this love-starved world.