Saturday Services
The Vigil Mass is a spoken quiet Mass. (Approx. 30 min)
A Vigil Mass is a regular mass that begins on the evening before the holy day (Sunday).
The pastor does not chant the Vigil Mass but rather speaks the parts of the service.

Sunday Services
In-Person & Livestream on Facebook
Our High Holy Mass is the principal weekend service of worship here at our Parish. You will find all the smells and bells of the Catholic Mass along with hymns from the organ, choir, and congregation. (Approx. 1 hr)
There are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in the Mass as a Greeter, Gift Bearer, Lector, Choir Member or Acolyte. Benediction follows the High Mass on the first Sunday of the month.
Following this Mass all are welcome to join us for Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday Services
During Advent and Lent - one Wednesday is set for the Penitential Service and the Sacrament of the Sick: the Laying on of Hands and anointing those in need of any physical and spiritual healing with Holy Oil.
May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary refer to special Marian devotions held in the Catholic Church during the month of May honoring Mary, mother of God, as "the Queen of May." The service includes the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, singing the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and receiving the Benediction.
In October, we gather in the middle of the week to draw our strength from meeting Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, and reciting Holy Rosary. This is a meditative form of prayer on the Mysteries/events from Jesus' and Our Lady's life. Please check the monthly parish calendar to see when we will be celebrating our seasonal devotions.